David Robertson's
There are seasons in our life which are filled with happiness and seasons which are down right tough.
No matter what season you are in today, I want to remind you:
You always have a reason to be thankful. Always.
Today, take some time to count your blessings.
Be sure to do it by yourself, and when possible, with people you care about.
If you find it hard, then consider training your brain to do it in every circumstance.
Constantly look for the blessings of Jehovah God. Speak them out verbally. Make prayers of gratitude a often and regular practice.
Remember, all good things come from Jehovah God, so when you see them in your life, you can know he is pursuing your heart.
Be thankful, y'all!
-David Robertson
There are seasons in our life which are filled with happiness and seasons which are down right tough.
No matter what season you are in today, I want to remind you:
You always have a reason to be thankful. Always.
Today, take some time to count your blessings.
Be sure to do it by yourself, and when possible, with people you care about.
If you find it hard, then consider training your brain to do it in every circumstance.
Constantly look for the blessings of Jehovah God. Speak them out verbally. Make prayers of gratitude a often and regular practice.
Remember, all good things come from Jehovah God, so when you see them in your life, you can know he is pursuing your heart.
Be thankful, y'all!
-David Robertson
David Robertson is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and coach passionate about Advancing the Kingdom of Christ in business.
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All content on this website is authored by David Robertson, an experienced business consultant. The views and opinions expressed are his own and do not reflect those of any current or former employers, including International Services, Inc. (ISI) or its affiliates. Professional consulting services are currently provided exclusively through ISI or its affiliated companies. Employment statuses and affiliations are subject to change without notice.
Any investments or investment activities mentioned are conducted solely through [Robertson Holding Company] and are not associated with or endorsed by ISI or its affiliates. ISI and its affiliates are not responsible for the content on this website or any online activities conducted by David Robertson.
David Robertson makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on TheDavidRobertson.com or from any links found on this site. He will not be liable for any errors or omissions, nor for the availability of this information.